Grill cart

I spent some time this summer (more than I’d care to admit) working on a grill cart for my Weber kettle. The goal was to create more work space for handling food going on and off the grill and to have some outdoor storage for fuel and utensils. As a beginner learned a lot of woodworking techniques along the way. Thank you YouTube!


  1. Awesome looking cart! I was looking for my husband and I to build one. Did you have dimensions or plans for this build? Thanks so much for your time!

    1. Thank you! I didn’t take the time to create plans for it beyond some paper sketches. If you have specific questions on the dimensions let me know but I don’t have a comprehensive plan for it.

    1. I don’t have a full materials list but will do my best to answer any questions that you have. I used dimensional cedar lumbar for the most part and cedar fence panels for the sides.

      1. Do you have general dimensions for the overall cart? Specifically curious about the width and depth of the top. Does the top hang over the edge of the cart frame? Sizes of the lumber and/or more pictures from different angles would be helpful if you had them. I know the corner posts are 4×4, safe to assume the remainder of the frame is 2×4? What about the slats for the top? Thanks.

    1. The cart is holding up great. No charring from the heat of the grill although dumping the hot coals out of the chimney sometimes causes some hot embers to fly out. Some of these have singed the table top.

  2. Hi Matt,
    I liked the table so much so I decided to give it a try. I followed your pictures and the brief explanations. I added few things of my own. I expanded the table slightly to accommodate a smoker and another drawer. I also used a grill stone insert from Tennessee Stone and Design. I tried to add a picture but it wouldn’t let me. I took me 3 days to built. It came out perfect as I expected. Thank you

  3. Nice looking cart. Have you attempted to use the rotisserie ring attachment with the kettle set into the cart? I imagine it would work fine, but figured I’d ask before building the cart.

  4. Hi Matt, I thought your design was awesome and bookmarked the site. Now that I am in the process of designing my own I can’t see any of the pictures. Is it an easy fix on your end or could you possibly email them to me?

  5. Sorry about that Mike. I had to adjust my hosting account but things should be back in shape now. Good luck with your build!

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